Is it true that Chongqing has the prettiest women in China?
Chigo Esperisto Answered Jun 10, 2015 Chigo Esperisto 2015-6-10日回答 I really don’t know. But, Chengdu people will say, the girls of Chengdu are the prettiest girls in China, and Ya’an people will say, the girls of Ya’an are the prettiest girls in China, and so does Chongqing people. Anyway, according to the answer of Frank Lee, Shaoxing girls are the prettiest. Wow. Look at the right of the window, in the section of RELATED QUESTIONS, there are abundance of similar questions
我真的不知道。但是,成都人会说,成都的女孩全中国最漂亮,雅安人会说,雅安女孩全国最漂亮,当然重庆也是。 反正,根据Frank Lee的回答,绍兴女孩最漂亮。 天哪,看窗口的右边,相关问题的一栏,全是差不多的问题。
Ma Jun Answered Mon Ma Jun 一月回答 I was born and grown up in Chongqing until I went to Chengdu(capital city of Sichuan Province) to get the medical education when I was 17 years old. From then on, I have never settled in the other cities anymore. But during I worked in West China Hospital of Sichuan University, I almost went to all the provinces of China to give lectures. In my impress, there are indeed amounts of beauties in Chongqing, but the amount of beauties in the others provinces is also quite a few.
I married with a Chengdu girl when I was 30 years old, before that, I also dated a few girls from Guizhou, Hainan and Chengdu before finding out the Miss Right. I still can’t answer which city in China has the prettiest girl by my few experiences. In the end, I must say that my wife is and always be the most beautiful girl in my heart, lest she may see my answer.LOL:)
我30岁的时候娶了一个成都女孩,在那之前,我也和贵州、海南和成都女孩约会过。我仍然不能根据我很少的经验回答中国哪个城市的女孩最漂亮。 最后,我必须说的我的老婆永远都是我心中最美的女孩,以免她看到我的回答。LOL:)
Dwane Ho, lived in Chongqing, China Answered Jun 10, 2015 Dwane Ho,生活在中国重庆 2015-6-10日回答 I was born in Chingqing, and I have spent my time there until I went to Beijing to get university education. So I think I could tell you as authority that Chongqing’s girl is the most beautiful girl in two aspects-inside and outside. And you now the summer there is very hot, although the weather is terrible, but girls in CQ are so energetic, they are willing to hang out with friends in different kinds of shorts and skirts to show their amazing body especially their long and white legs. Don’t believe me? You can choose a star buck, and count the beauty go across from you in just 15mins. I bet the number would be higher than 15.
我出生在重庆,并一直生活在那直到我去北京上大学。所以我想我可以权威的告诉你重庆女孩在两方面是最美的:内在和外在。 夏天这里很热,天气也很糟糕,但重庆女孩却是充满活力的,她们愿意和朋友们一起出去嗨皮,穿着各种各样的短裤和短裙,展示她们火辣的身体,特别是白花花的大长腿。 不相信我?你可以去一个星巴克,然后数一数15分钟内有多少个美女从你面前走过。 我打赌数量肯定超过15.
Harvey Yao, lives in China Updated Jun 15, 2015 Harvey Yao,生活在中国 2015-6-15日更新 1. Not true at all. 2. Prettiness is highly personal, and there is no uniform standard to judge it. 3. Still, I can offer you an explanation as to why Chongqing girls are pretty. This explanation has been circulated in China for a long time. I heard it from many different places and people, including Chongqing natives. But I have no technical expertise to verify its validity. 4. The explanation is this: Prettiness is the combined effect of many things, including skin. And the level of prettiness among the Chongqing people is increased due to their nicer skins compared with people from other parts of China. As to why they have nicer skins, people often attribute it to the weak UV radiation and the moist weather in Chongqing. 5. Some also claim that the reason lies in the spicy food culture in Chongqing. It is said that spicy food can help remove toxin from people’s body by causing them to sweat heavily. 6. I hope my answer helps. But I also hope you don’t go to Chongqing for pretty girls. Instead, go there for its history, custom, tradition, and culture. That way, you’ll have more fun.
1。全是假的 2。漂亮是很主观的东西,并没有一个统一的标准去衡量。 3。尽管如此,我仍然可以向你解释为什么重庆女孩是漂亮的。这个解释已经在中国流传很久了。我在很多不同的地方和人们中间听说过,包括重庆土著们。但我没有专业技术判断真伪。 4。解释是:漂亮是很多东西的综合效应,包括皮肤。重庆人因为皮肤比中国其他地区的人好,提升了她们漂亮的水平。 5。有些人声称原因是重庆特殊的饮食文化。因为辛辣的食物使人大量出汗,从而帮助排除身体的毒素。 6。希望我的回答有所帮助。但我同时希望你不要去重庆看美女,相反,去看她的历史、风俗、传统和文化。这样的话,你会有更多的乐趣。
Mikkel Larsen, lives in Chongqing, China ikkel Larsen,生活在中国重庆 I am from Denmark myself, I have lived in Chongqing for the past four years but I have also spent time in Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha and Luoyang.
Many Chinese people tend to think that Chongqing girls are very beautiful. But like some others have said, it is an Asian beauty that isn’t always appreciated in the same way by forigners. I am generally more attracted to Asian girls than western girls so I might be a bit biased. My girlfriend is a Chongqing local and when I tell people that, they’ll joke that I am very lucky to have such a beautiful girl. One thing that Chongqing girls have going for them is their light skin due to the sun mostly being covered, and because Chongqing is very hilly they often also have nicely defined legs and butts which I think any guy would appreciate. On top of that, Chongqing girls have long legs.
As far as I understand, the girls in Chongqing are also favorites because of their attitude. I find the girls here, especially in the main shopping areas, tend to dress nicely, they do their makeup quite well and also dress for their figure. They have a better sense of fashion and style than girls I’ve met in smaller cities like Luoyang and Changsha. But girls in Shanghai tend to be dressed in a more sophisticated manner, perhaps more classy, and I tend to like that more personally.
Chinese guys tend to like girls from the south because they are more cutesy and more dependent on their partners whereas girls from the north tend to be stronger and taller. Similarly, Chinese girls tend to prefer guys from the north because they’re taller and stronger. Many guys in Chongqing aren’t very tall and can appear less dominant than their northern counterparts.
But I also see a lot of girls in Chongqing whom I consider to be average looking. It is not that everyone here in chongqing is beautiful, but I do think thatbtjr beautiful girls here are in fact very beautiful. It may also be common in other cities but now that spring is here you’ll often see photographers with long zoom lenses hanging out around the malls photographing the pretty girls from a distance. It seems commonplace but I, personally, find it slightly on the creepy side, but who doesn’t appreciate beauty? 😉 Just my two cents 😉
但我在重庆也看到了很多一般长相的女孩。并不是所有的重庆女孩都好看,但我确实认为这里的漂亮女孩是真的漂亮。在其他城市也许也是这样的,但现在春天来了,你会经常看到带着长焦镜头的摄影师从很远的距离拍摄漂亮的女孩。这看起来很普通,但我这个人觉得这有点猥琐,但是天下谁人不爱美呢? 这仅仅是我的一点浅见;)
Yuhan Zhou, lives in Chongqing, China Updated Jun 9, 2015 Yuhan Zhou,生活在中国重庆 2015-6-9日更新 I did my bachelor in Chongqing. Yes, girls in Chongqing are more beautiful than in many other places in China. But it is Asian beauty! I mean pale skin, thin and tall figure, heart-shaped face, etc. So I doubt if non-Asian can feel it in the same way. Bonus: Chongqing ranks 3 among provinces and municipalities of China in term of female’s height, third-last in term of male’s height.
我在重庆取得了学士学位。是的,重庆女孩比很多中国其他地方的漂亮。但这是亚洲的美!发白的皮肤,瘦高的体型,心形的脸等等。所以我怀疑非亚洲人是否同样欣赏的来。 额外说明:重庆女性身高在中国省市和自治区中排第三,而男性身高排倒数第三。
Chenyaning Chenyaning they are wrong,Acturely Chinese prettiest girls are in PuYang,Not ChongQing,not Chengdu,not Beijing,not Shaoxing!