高展百科 百科 怎么吃西餐拿刀叉(吃西餐如何使用刀叉)









  We’re going to talk now about the placement and the use of utensils. Utensils are set in the order that they will be used, going from the outside in toward your main service plate. This place setting would tell me that my first course is going to be soup.


  and this is the grip that I would use on a spoon. A knife can be used as a cutting implement, where your index finger is placed on the joint.

  这是拿着汤匙的正确手法, 刀是用来帮我们切食物的, 你的食指应该放在刀柄和刀片的接合处。

  If there is a fish knife in your place setting, that knife is held like a pencil. If I’m dining in American fashion, I am going to be cutting one bite at a time.


  When I need to take a break, I am going to place my knife and fork in such a way, that there is a space between them there on the right side of my plate. I’m sending a message to the waitstaff that I am not finished with this course. If I’m completely finished, I’m going to line my knife and my fork up on my plate, in what’s called the 10:20 position. If you envision your plate as the face of a clock, the tines of the fork and the point of the knife are going to be pointing to ten o’clock on the face of the clock. The handles are plate are pointing to 20 past the hour.

  当我有事离席的时候, 我就会把刀叉摆成这样,放置在盘子的右侧,中间保留空隙。这是在给服务员传达我还没吃完这道菜的信息。如果我吃好了,我就会把刀叉摆成一排,如果你把盘子想像成一块表, 那么刀叉的方向就应该是 十点二十的位置。刀叉的尖头, 就是要指向表的十点钟方向,刀柄则要指向20分钟的位置。

  Glasses are at the right of your place setting, and they are arranged in the order that you will be using them. White wine is the glass that is closest to your plate. It’s assumed that that’s the beverage that you will be having with an appetizer or your first course. Red wine is the glass directly behind that, and it’s a larger bowl as you can see.


  Here’s to each and every one of you and may you have successful dining experiences, cheers!





